This loadout for Stardew valley focuses on massively expanding the base game's content with three extra towns and combat oriented quest lines but also providing a few cheat utilities to make fishing and time management easier.
This Mod Loadout is designed primarily to push some really weird features into OpenMW to create an slightly different experience with mostly the same content mods. We'll be running a Bosmer Archer this time.
This guide will help players who watched my Doom Live-Streams and wanted to learn how to use a similar load-out.
Myra Lantel - Altmer Hedge Wizard
Oblivion is one of those games that I really like but I also I rarely play since I can play days without crashes in other games. The base Oblivion isn't too bad, but the best functional mods also have a tendency to crash it. But every few years I get it in my head to try to play it again, admittedly without my favorite mods. This is another such attempt.
In this loadout I intend on breaking Oblivion with a Spellblade type character sort of. I haven't played Oblivion in 4+ years.
This is a simple loadout for the Elder scrolls 3 Morrowind Total Conversion known as Starwind. It focuses on simple quality of life updates.